Monday, October 17, 2011



Since I had my darling daughter this April, it's been a whirlwind of new experiences, new worries, and new outrage. The outrage being attributed primarily to the prices of baby items. A bedding set that will be used, at most, for 3 years, can cost at least $70 if you buy new, and with all of the new mom worries (bed bugs, lice, germs, etc) it can be, in a sense, scary to look at everything and keep a cool head. We did get a lot of hand-me-downs, (clothes up to 5T!, bedding that I wasn't crazy about, toys, car seats, exersaucers, and the list goes on). Personally, I think that the prices of baby food and formula are out of control, and I wish I could've (or would have) kept breastfeeding, but I got spooked, and tired (I didn't sleep for more than 2 hours the entire first week she was here; not two hours a day, two hours that week.....I was exhausted!)

I decided a long time ago to make our own baby food, as a lot of parents are, and in that process, and after dealing with some milk and soy protein intolerances,  decided to start making some gluten-free things for my boyfriend's sister, who babysits for us while we're both at work, on occasion. I've also gotten into the health craze, and have always had to hide veggies in my boyfriend's food, since he's not a fan of a lot of them.

I was also sitting up, thinking about how when we move I'd like to actually decorate my daughter's room, but the cost of it all is so scary! I decided it can't be terribly hard to make a bedding set for her, and then, I'd get exactly what I want. I came up with a simple design, and will pursue that in the near future. We're still in a one bedroom apartment, currently, but when finances allow, we're hoping to get into a larger place, and then I can do all of the decorating my little heart desires.

So, my idea for this blog is to collectively share my experiences, share some simple ideas that cut costs, and share any cool recipes I find and try out, and that end up being keepers.

Feel free, also, to ask questions, share your own ideas and recipes, and I hope to make a community out of this- I will be making a Facebook page soon, and I'll post a link for that when the time comes.

In the meantime, have a great day, and enjoy the nice weather before it gets too cold to. I've always been more of a summer person, and I tend to stay inside as much as I can in the winter. =}

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